CESAR v2021 - Introduction webinar 23/07/2020 - 2D & 3D Geotechnical applications > 온라인 강의

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CESAR | CESAR v2021 - Introduction webinar 23/07/2020 - 2D & 3D Geotechnical a…

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작성자 관리자 작성일21-10-07 10:59 조회1,348회 댓글0건


CESAR, FEA software for Civil, Tunnel and Geotechnical Engineering 

CESAR v2021 - Introduction webinar 23/07/2020 - 2D & 3D Geotechnical applications 

In this webinar, we present the new features of version 2021 of FEA software CESAR. We focus on geotechnical applications in both 2D & 3D: excavations, foundations, tunnels. You will get an overview of the material constitutive models, tools for stability analysis and safety factors analysis, new elements proposed for soils reinforcement and soil-structure interactions. 


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