ACI Fall 2023 - ATENA Software for Advanced Modelling of Reinforced Concrete Structures > Webinar

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ACI Fall 2023 - ATENA Software for Advanced Modelling of Reinforced Co…

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관리자  0 Comments  149 Views  23-10-20 12:35  ATENA


ACI Fall 2023 - ATENA Software for Advanced Modelling of Reinforced Concrete Structures

The ATENA software package is a powerful tool designed for the advanced analysis of reinforced concrete structures. By employing non-linear material models, it enables a highly realistic simulation of the behavior of reinforced concrete structures and their constituent elements. The software's accuracy has been repeatedly validated in benchmark blind predictions, reaffirming its reliability. Moreover, guidelines for the practical application of non-linear analysis are available nowadays in the standards. To illustrate the practical utility of non-linear analysis, we present several examples drawn from consultancy practice. These examples primarily focus on the evaluation of both Ultimate Limit State (ULS) and Serviceability Limit State (SLS), and the assessment of durability in reinforced concrete bridges. Additionally, we show examples from the nuclear industry, retrofitting of existing structures, and the simulation of hydration heat development during the early stages of massive concrete elements. Finally, the latest ATENA development in the field of 3D concrete printing is highlighted. This comprehensive package is a valuable resource for professionals working with reinforced concrete structures and offers a versatile array of tools allowing valuable insights into the behavior of reinforced concrete structures. 
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